ALGASPEED is a natural fertilizer derived by extracts of brown seaweeds, amino-acids and organic nitrogen.

Thanks to the mixture of the different components Algaspeed is a product  that satisfies  the different  needs in the field of plants nutrition. Brown seaweeds contain amino-acids, macro-meso and  microelements, mannitol and vitamins: all these elements are of natural origin. Algaspeed components are totally and easily absorbed by leaves and roots of plants.

ALGASPEED is recommended for a fruit farming, vegetable growing and flower-growing employ,  during the difficult stages of the vegetative cycle (growth of plants, before and after flowering, during the fruit swelling stage, after the transplant, in case of thermal stress, change of water and light).


Total Nitrogen (N) 5%
Organic Nitrogen (N) 5%
Organic Carbon (C) of biological origin 18%

Package: Kg 12
Formulation: Liquid solution

Doses and instructions for use

 Foliar Fertilization  Dose per
hl of water
Dose per hectar
Pomaceous, drupaceous, actinidia,
vine, citrus and olive.
 g 250-300 Kg 2,5-3
Vegetables, strawberry, melon, watermelon and pumpkin g 200-250 Kg 2
Potato g 300-350 Kg 3
Floricultural g 150-200 Kg 1,5
Nursery and lawns g 350-400 Kg 3
Industrial, fodder and cereal crops  Kg 2-3



In covered environments, i.e. in green houses, the dosage of ALGASPEED must not exceed 150 g/h of water. Leaf application should be carried out during the coolest hours of the day.
ALGASPEED can be mixed, according to recommended dosage, with Tiller products and with antiparasitics in general, except for dodine, fosetyl aluminium, white oil and cupric products, (however, in any case, testing should always be carried out before use). Use the product at least 5 days after using Copper product and dodine.
ALGASPEED must be dissolved in the irrigation water with a dosage of 4-5 kg each 1000 sq. m, according to the crops needs.