ZINCHEL is a zinc chelate powder compound totally assimilable through leaves and roots of treated plants. Zinc is an element which performs an important function in plants, taking part directly in a great number of enzymatic processes; its main function seems to be in its correlation with auxins and in synthesis of trypthophane. Zinc deficiency shows chlorotic streaks, leaves smaller than normal, leaves falling in advance and more fragile tissues.


Zinc (Zn) water soluble 15%
Zinc (Zn) chelate EDTA 14,7%

Stability of chelate fraction:
the pH value must be between 4 and 10.

Package: Kg 1
Formulation: soluble powder

Doses and instructions for use

 Foliar application  Dose per hl of water Dose per hectar
Fruiting plants, vine and actinidia

g 80-100

g 1000


g 100-120

g 1200


g 50-80

g 600


g 40-60

g 500


g 60-80

g 800

Industrial, arboreal and cereal crops

g 80-100

g 800-1000


g 800 – 1000

ZINCHEL should be applied on crops at the first symptoms of zinc deficiency. It must be dissolved in the water at the indicated dosage. Carry out 2-3 applications at 10-15 day intervals according to crops needs.

in covered environments i.e. green houses the dose of ZINCHEL must not exceed 50 g/hl of water. Leaf application should be carried out during the coolest hours of the day.
ZINCHEL can be mixed according to recommended dosage with Tiller products and with antiparasitics in general, except for white oil and dodine (however, in any case, testing should always be carried out before use).
ZINCHEL must be dissolved in the irrigation water with a dose of 10-12 kg per hectar, according to crops needs.